3D Paper Birds Christmas Crafts & Ornaments

These 3D paper birds inspired by Scandinavian folk art are easy to make, and fun to use as Christmas ornaments or year round decorations. You may also love these Christmas crafts : Enchanting 3D Giant Snowflakes , and farmhouse style bleached pine cones WITHOUT bleach!

I have always wanted to make 3D paper birds. Finally I found a super quick and easy way to make them!

If you love paper crafts, and unique decorations you can make easily, you will love these folk art inspired paper birds! They would be beautiful on hanging mobiles or as Christmas tree ornaments.

3D paper birds hanging in Christmas tree

All you need are very simple materials and tools, and the free printable patterns to make these 3D paper birds. Let’s begin !

Materials and tools to make 3D paper bird Christmas crafts

*Some resources in article are affiliate links. Full disclosure here.

Scandinavian folk art inspired  paper birds Christmas tree ornaments

These decorative stars are made from our DIY baking soda air dry clay! Recipe here!

DIY 3D paper birds  easy paper crafts, beautiful Christmas ornaments & year round decorations

Make it portable

Step 1. Print and cut paper birds

free patterns to make 3D paper birds Christmas ornaments

Download the free paper bird designs and templates below, and print them out. I have included lots of colors, you can just print the pages with colors and designs you like best.

cut paper bird patterns

Step 2. Glue the 3D paper birds

Fold the two side pieces and one bottom piece in half, glue the 3 pieces together as shown in photo.

paper crafts bird pattern

The key is to fold each piece carefully and precisely, and only use a little bit of glue. Glue sticks are probably easier to use here!

Step 3. add wings and tails to the paper birds

fold and glue paper birds

Take some color paper or card stock ( make sure they are colored on both sides), use the printed templates as guides, and cut out the wings and tails for each paper bird.

DIY 3D paper bird with folk art inspired free designs

Glue them to the birds as shown, and shape them gently so they are curled open.

When you glue the wings, leave a little space along the top edge so you can thread some strings for the hanging paper bird ornaments.

3D paper bird christmas crafts and ornaments

It may take a couple of tries to find a good balance point for each paper bird.

Now you are ready to use these paper birds as hanging ornaments on some branches or a Christmas tree!

beautiful paper bird Christmas decorations

If you try these DIY / decor / garden / craft projects, tag us on Instagram at @apieceofrainbow, we would love to see what you create!

paper birds easy Christmas crafts for kids and family


  1. Hi… I love your newsletter and beautiful crafts. I have downloaded many of your templates, but even though I click on the download button, it still doesn’t take me to the bird template. Maybe someone on your team can log in as a user so that you all can see the problem. Usually, I have no issues. Please help since I would love to make them. Thanks!

    • hi Joni! were you clicking for the article or the download library (accessible via newsletter)? we tested it in the download library, and the 4-page pdf showed up right away when clicking on the download below the project thumbnail 🙂

  2. Greetings Amanda
    could you please send me the link to the birdies?
    I cannot find a link. I have clicked on every clickable thing on this page and
    not getting the birds. They are so cute I want to send them to my grand girls
    Thank you gratefully

  3. Hi
    I am not receiving an email after registering. Have tried 3 times now. Would love to download the birds for my grand children that are with me now. Thanks.

  4. Having the same problem others have finding the download button. Would it be possible to put the words downloads on the button? Your webpage is so colorful having many little rectangles in similar colors makes it hard to know which one to click on. Then getting back to the correct page , it just gets frustrating.

    Last year I was able to finally Download the birds template. Made many of the birds to decorate a tree especially for my 18 month old grandson. He had a blast taking the birds off, playing with them, putting them back on, squishing them. His decorated tree saved the family tree with many breakable bulbs.

    • hi ellen! do you get our weekly newsletter? there’s always a big red button that takes you to all downloads. would that help? thank you and so happy your grandson enjoyed the crafts! 🙂

  5. Amanda… I’ve been on this site over a dozen times trying to find that ‘button at the bottom of each newsletter’ and have yet to find it.
    Pretty sure with so many that can’t find it, it may be a technical issue on your end?
    Just a suggestion.
    I would really like to download and print the round ironies as well as the 3-D birds.

  6. Hello Ananda
    I have enjoyed your site & downloaded projects before but Im sorry I cannot find the download for your lovely 3D paper birds
    I wonder if you could please paste a link in an email to me. Thankyou.

    • hi MG! it is the first one on our downloads page, A button at the bottom of each weekly newsletter takes you to all downloads! let me know if you still have trouble finding it 🙂

  7. I have filled out the form for the downloads and they still have not arrived in my email. I have also checked my junk mail. No email. Please advise

  8. No matter what I do, I can’t seem to find where you download the birds bodies and tails and wings… Help!!

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