$5 Easy DIY Elevated Christmas Tree Box Stand in 10 Minutes 

Easy $1 DIY elevated Christmas tree box stand to make a tree taller in small space home decor. Modern rustic wood planter made with cardboard!

A DIY elevated Christmas tree box is a great alternative to a traditional Christmas tree skirt for lots of good reasons. It makes a smaller tree look taller, and makes everything look organized and less cluttered.

Easy $1 DIY elevated Christmas tree box stand to make a tree taller in small space home decor. Modern rustic wood planter made with cardboard

Here’s a little holiday hack: less tree, less fuss, less work, more joy! When you choose a a smaller Christmas tree, not only does it mean less time decorating massive trees, but it’s also a genius space-saver when it comes to storage. Set that 4.5 foot tall Christmas tree in an elevated box, you’ve just transformed it into a majestic Christmas decoration piece.

DIY elevated Christmas tree box stand to make a tree taller

A smaller Christmas tree is also the perfect solution for a small space if you live in a city apartment, or want an extra Christmas tree for that cozy little bedroom. Here’s how we decorated our Christmas tree this year plus some extra tips on how to use ribbons!

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how we decorated our Christmas tree this year plus some extra tips on how to use ribbons

With this elevated Christmas tree stand that looks like a modern farmhouse wood planter box, everything feels cleaner, more organized, and less cluttered. Say goodbye to those stray branches or needles making things messy.

elevated Christmas tree stand that looks like a modern farmhouse wood planter box

This neat setup means you’ve freed up more space around your tree for all those festive gift boxes and bags. No more navigating a sea of gifts just to plug in your tree lights. Let’s get crafting!

Materials and tools to make Christmas tree box stand:

Materials and tools to make Christmas tree box stand
  • A big cardboard box or pieces of cardboard, enough to make a 16″ tall and wide 4-sided box. If you tree base is larger, increase the box size accordingly.
  • Faux wood contact paper, we chose one with a rustic white-washed wood vibe.
  • A plastic planter or something similar to give your tree some height, and some natural decor like pine cones, leaves, or even some sparkly Christmas baubles to fill the top of the box when finished 

Step 1: Create a cardboard Christmas tree box.

Create a cardboard Christmas tree box

First, you’ll need to fashion a box out of that cardboard. No need to make a base or top, we just need the four sides. If you’ve ever made a fort out of cardboard boxes, this should be a breeze. Aim for a 16″ height and width. If you tree base is larger, increase the box size accordingly. 

Step 2: Dress up that Christmas tree box.

 faux wood contact paper

This is where the magic happens. Take your faux wood contact paper and wrap your box with it. Channel your inner DIY guru and make sure that the box looks like it’s made of rustic white-washed wood.

make  Christmas tree box look like rustic white-washed wood

Instead of peeling the contact paper, I just used it with the backing attached, and taped it to the box like gift wrap. This way I can roll up the piece of contact paper and recycle the cardboard box when Christmas is over. No storage needed for our tree box, even better!

Modern rustic wood Christmas tree planter made with cardboard

Step 3: Elevate your Christmas tree stand.

Time to put that tree on a pedestal, quite literally. Take your plastic planter and place it inside the box.

Elevate a Christmas tree stand.

Put a piece of plywood or thick cardboard on top to make a mini platform. This will give act as a Christmas tree stand and make your tree the undeniable star of the show. Now, nestle your tree into its new stylish home. Adjust as needed to make sure it stands proud and tall.

DIY elevated Christmas tree box stand faux wood planter made with cardboard

Step 4: Add the Final Touches.

Now for my favorite part: the decor! Fill the top around the base of the tree with pine cones, leaves, or whatever your heart desires. You could even sprinkle in some fairy lights for that magical twinkle.

 Fill the top around the base of the Christmas tree with pine cones, leaves

And voila! You’ve just upped your Christmas tree stand that looks like a whitewashed wood planter box, without using any power tools. And oh, the satisfaction when someone asks, “Where did you get that?” and you can wink and say, “I made it!”

beautiful decorated Christmas tree in a box stand

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Exploring Other Christmas Skirt Alternatives:

Now that you’ve given the elevated tree box a whirl, let’s not stop there! The world of Christmas tree bases is as wide and varied as Santa’s list. How about a chic woven tree collar for a touch of boho flair? Or a sleek metal ring for a minimalist and industrial look? Let your personal style shine and make that tree base just as magical as the tree itself!

Happy crafting, friends! May your home be merry, bright, and undeniably stylish this festive season. 

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