Regrow 8 Kitchen Scraps into Free Houseplants!
Want beautiful & FREE garden & indoor plants? Regrow kitchen scraps like mango seed, avocado pit, pineapple top, lemon seeds, ginger, lemongrass, & more!
Here comes part two of our best kitchen scraps to regrow series! We will look at how to turn your kitchen scraps into beautiful houseplants and garden plants! Who doesn’t want some attractive plants for FREE?

In part one, we focused on how to regrow fresh greens on a window sill indoors, or get a jump start on your herb and vegetable garden by regrowing kitchen scraps, which you can check it out here.

Regrowing kitchen scraps is really fun and exciting for kids and grownups. It is a great way to teach children about gardening and natural science. It is also a wonderful way to add some beautiful unique plants to your home and garden!
*Some resources in article are affiliate links. Full disclosure here.
Table of Contents
1. Regrowing pineapple top in water or soil

I am definitely trying this, are you? Just look at how beautiful these pineapple tops look growing in water filled mason jars! Thank you to Sustainable Holly for the inspirations!

I did some research and learned some helpful tips: first twist the pineapple top off the fruit, then peel off about 4 rows of the lower leaves to expose the stem. Let it dry and cure for 3-5 days, and put the pineapple top in water. Below is great video tutorials on YouTube –
Pineapples need 2 years of growing time plus lots of sun and heat to fruit. But it is quite fun and rewarding to grow them even just as houseplants.

I will share my own progress with you soon! I really like this idea of using a bud or bulb vase to grow avocado seeds in water, by aGirlWithaGarden on YouTube!
2. Grow avocado tree from seed

Here’s our detailed tutorial on how to grow avocado trees in water or soil, indoors and outdoors!

A must try project by Brad on YoutTube: see video below where he shares THE BEST way to grow avocado seed that works every time!
It is very easy to grow avocado seeds in soil: we always have random avocado trees sprouting from our compost in the garden. However I just love the look of avocado plants growing in water in this YouTube video:

You can tell I love plants growing in water and glass bottles! Here’s a detailed tutorial on how to grow some beautiful indoor plants easily in water.

3. Regrow a mango seed
Yes we can grow mango trees from those big mango seeds we throw away! Check out this great video tutorial:
Will you get fruits? Mango trees grown from seeds will set fruits if planted in soil in a tropical climate, or in a large pot inside a warm greenhouse.

The fruit may not be exactly like the mango where the seed came from, but the bonus is that some tropical gardeners plant mango seeds to discover new varieties!
4. Grow lemon trees from seeds
Lemon trees grown from seeds may not set fruits. Some say it is possible after 7 years.

Regardless, lots of people still love growing lemon and orange and other citrus seeds, because they make beautiful and free indoor plants with fragrant evergreen leaves, like in this photo by Maria!
5. Regrow a sweet potato
Take an ordinary sweet potato and a jar of water, you will have a living work of art in a few weeks! Beautiful photos by

You can also grow more sweet potatoes in the garden using this method to start. Check out part one of our series to see more tutorials on that!
6. Grow passion fruit from seeds

We have grow beautiful and fruiting passion fruit vines in just 2 years from seeds! Just plant the seeds in a pot and cover with 1/2″ of soil. Don’t let the soil dry out. The seeds will germinate in 2-4 weeks.
If you live in a warm climate or have a greenhouse, passion fruit vines are beautiful and very productive to grow!
7. Grow grocery store ginger in pots

Ginger has attractive tropical leaves. You can grow store bought ginger easily as an indoor plant or a garden plant. Below is a video tutorial on how to grow ginger.
8. Regrow lemongrass from kitchen scraps

When you buy lemongrass in the grocery store, save an one inch piece from the base, and put it in shallow water. Roots will start to grow in a week or two, followed by green grassy leaves. Here’s a video tutorial:
We have grown lots of lemongrass from kitchen scraps. It is truly one of the easiest herbs to regrow!
Happy growing! Tag us on instagram @aieceofrainbow. We would love to see what you grow! 🙂
This idea is really amazing! Using kitchen scraps to grow free houseplants is both creative and sustainable. It’s so enjoyable to contribute to the environment while adding a touch of greenery to our homes. Learning which kitchen scraps we can start with is truly inspiring. There’s nothing more fun than growing your own plants at home! I can’t wait to try these tips.
This is such a great idea! Regrowing kitchen scraps into houseplants is both sustainable and fun. It’s so enjoyable to beautify our homes with green plants while also contributing to nature by repurposing scraps. Learning how to start with different kitchen scraps is really motivating. Plus, taking care of plants is such a relaxing activity! I can’t wait to try these tips, thanks for sharing!
Last year(2024)I took a sweet potatoe and put it water and let it go some vines. I didn’t want to remove the vines so I planted the whole thing in a large planter I had nothing in and it grew a 5lb. potatoe . We used it for a side dish for Thanksgiving. It was delish
Thank you for sharing Ronna! We also planted whole sweet potatoes in our garden and got a great harvest! 🙂
תודה רבה לך על הייעוץ והכוונה לגידולים מהבית.אשמח לקבל עצה/רעיונות בכדי לשתול את גלעין האבוקדו,בגינה…האם לאחר זמן מסויים(כמה?)אקבל פרי מהעץ שגדל או שיש עלי’ לעשות משהו נוסף בכדי שיהיה פירות-אבוקדו?
When is the best time or season for all of these to be a success. Thank you for the ideas
hi! if your indoor environment is warm and has lots of light, you can grow these any time of year. for example, in Seattle where days are really short and cloudy in winter, you might need to add grow lights. 🙂
Hello thank you for sharing your videos Please can you yell me How long will it be before my passion flower planted earlier this year will bear fruit, thank you!
hi! if it is a fruiting passion vine (some varieties don’t fruit , and some need more heat to fruit) in the right condition, it will only take 1-2 years. 🙂
Love these! I am growing some cool indoor plants from kitchen scraps thanks to this article!!
love love love your posts, This gives us all hope in the Covid19 Lock down worldwide, I have been circulating and sharing our your posts and will task up buddies to get growing on the scraps. Thank you for your heavenly rainbows of beautiful information, please Keep them coming. and I hope to meet of you one day… or online. everyone needs this now. thank you ! god bless each of you !
hi Lingo! thank you so much for sharing! stay well and stay creative! happy growing!! 🙂