Fiddle Leaf Fig Propagation: 100% Success in 2 Easy Ways!

Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation: 2 easy ways in water or soil! 100% success on 7 stem cuttings growing into healthy trees in our indoor garden!

Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation is so easy, and almost fail proof! If you have been drooling over all the gorgeous photos of Fiddle Leaf Fig trees ( botanical name Ficus lyrata ) in beautifully designed interiors, why not try and propagate some for your home and to share as gifts with indoor plant lovers?

Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation in 2 easy ways with 100% success rate on all our stem cuttings! Lots of tips on how to multiply & grow FREE Fiddle Fig trees.

When I first tried to propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig plant in 2015, I tested two methods and had 100% success on all four stem cuttings! You won’t believe how big and beautiful these new plants look after 4 years! We even discovered the secret of how to make our Fiddle Leaf Fig trees grow multiple branches, tutorial here!

 Fiddle Leaf Fig growing multiple branches

In this updated post I will share with you everything we have learned about how to propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig cuttings easily using two methods: rooting in water, and rooting in soil.

*Some resources in article are affiliate links. Full disclosure here.

How are all the cuttings doing now?

Everyone’s burning question! 🙂 Just check out the one-year and four-year updates (you won’t believe it), plus 5 best care tips!

Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation using stem cuttings

It all started when a friend told me she is pruning her huge Fiddle Leaf Fig tree, I just have to try and see if I could grow some from her trimmings!

Which leads to today’s tutorial- Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation made easy!  

Step 1: how to prepare stem cuttings for plant propagation

how to propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig trees from cuttings

Successful Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation starts with good stem cuttings. First we need to understand what are nodes on stems. The nodes are where leaves and buds grow on stems. These are also where root tend to grow in propagation.

A good Fiddle Leaf Fig stem cutting is usually about 12″ to 18″ long on the stem part, with 1-3 leaves, and at least 1-2 nodes where leaves are removed. It can be new growth or old stem. I do find the cuttings grow new roots faster on stems that are a bit woody at the base.

how to take Fiddle Leaf Fig cuttings

You can make several cuttings out of a longer branch. Removing excess leaves will reduce the stress on the cuttings to retain water. Do keep at least one leaf because it will feed the stem cutting through photosynthesis.

Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation method 1: root cuttings in water

I started with 4 stem cuttings and a leaf, because I was super curious to see if roots could grow from a single leaf! I place the base of 2 stem cuttings and 1 leaf in water, and planted the other 2 stem cuttings in moist potting soil.

root Fiddle Leaf tree cuttings in water

Place the cuttings in a clean glass vase filled with water, and keep them in a warm and bright place out of direct sun.. I only changed the water when the water started to look cloudy, which happened only a couple of times. Use room temperature tap water and let the chlorine evaporate for a day before using.

This is the advantage of rooting in water- one can see the progress!

Fiddle Leaf Fig cuttings taking root

After 4 weeks, some little popcorn-like spots started to appear on the stem base of the cuttings in water.

After 6-8 weeks, roots are growing in the water, wow! There’s no need to change water during this time.

When the roots are about 1 to 2 inches long, you can plant the rooted Fiddle Leaf Fig cuttings in soil and watch them grow!

Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation method 2: grow cuttings in soil.

I did not use rooting hormone here because of the comparison tests, but I have found that it can really increase the success rate and speed up propagation in soil for all kinds of plants!

Because it is more challenging for cuttings to to absorb water in soil, I used a clear plastic bag to cover the cuttings planted in soil. Propping the bag with some branches will prevent water from sitting on the leaves and causing fungal disease.

Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation in soil

Keep the soil moist but not too soggy. Put the pot in bright light, some morning or evening sun is OK.

2 ways to propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig trees

Because this is a tutorial, I carefully dug out a cutting planted in soil after 5 weeks to take a photo, although I was certain they have rooted!


See? Roots!

I couldn’t believe how easy it was to propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig! Now we have four gorgeous and healthy Fiddle Leaf Fig trees grow from cuttings!

Fiddle Leaf Fig cuttings in soil

At this point you can remove the plastic bag covering the 2 cuttings rooted in potting soil. Keep them well watered, especially at this early stage. Here are 5 best care tips for growing fiddle fig trees!

What happened to that leaf? 

It also rooted!! It took an extra month longer, but what a miracle!

fiddle fig roots growing on leaf

The single leaf cutting never grew bigger. During our temporary 6-month stay in a much colder city, we lost a few plants, and the leaf was one of them. Our reader suggested that the leaf should have a tiny piece of stem attached to it. This makes sense as most growth of new branches come from stem nodes. 

How to root Fiddle Leaf Fig from stem or leaf cuttings! Now you can have the one of the most gorgeous indoor plants and propagate it for every room! - A Piece Of Rainbow Blog

However this would mean you will need a piece of branch. If you have any experience growing a Fiddle Fig tree from a single leaf, please DO share in the comments!

Summary and lessons learned :

roots growing on Fiddle Leaf Fig stem cuttings
  1. Cuttings rooted in water propagation can grow as fast, maybe faster than cuttings rooted in soil.
  2. Single leaf cutting may not grow, or if it does, it will take much longer time, unless a tiny piece of stem is attached to it.
  3. Rooting hormone is not necessary, but can definitely speed up propagation in soil
  4. Keep the cuttings in warm temperature, this encourages root growth.

What to do after propagation:

Check them out here for the one-year and four-year updates, plus our best Fiddle Leaf Fig care tips!

Thanks to our reader Brittani who asked this! 🙂

If the cuttings are rooted in water, take some damp potting soil and a medium size pot such as one gallon, hold your rooted cutting centered in the pot, carefully scoop the soil little by little into the pot, so the roots are extended into the damp soil.

propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig cuttings in water

Keep the soil damp but not soggy for the first 2-3 weeks. This will allow the root system to establish in the planter soil.

If your cuttings are in soil, you are all set! Keep the plants out of direct sunlight in a very bright spot. Just follow the Fiddle Fig care tips here!

It can take a year for new leaves to grow. Once they do start, your new FLFs will be growing quite fast!

You may also love: a collection of fool-proof houseplants that also clean air, according to NASA studies! 

Easy Indoor Plants for beauty and clean air! | A Piece Of Rainbow Blog

Remember those African Violets grown from leaf cuttings here?

How to grow African Violet easily from leaf cuttings! Two simple yet fail proof propagation methods are covered in detail here! - A Piece Of Rainbow Blog
How to grow African Violet easily from leaf cuttings! Two simple yet fail proof propagation methods are covered in detail here! - A Piece Of Rainbow Blog

Both methods worked beautifully again!

Wouldn’t this tree look amazing with our wall mounted Staghorn Ferns??

Bring nature and a bohemian vibe to a room with beautiful wall mounted Staghorn fern! They are very easy to grow and make a huge impact! A Piece of Rainbow blog

Related: Another way to use this rooting method is to grow tomato plants from cuttings in just 1 week!

How to root tomato cuttings in just one week! Now you can multiply lots of tomato plants quickly and for free! | A Piece Of Rainbow

Happy growing! xo


  1. can i take a cutting off a z plant? i have one that has a big shoot going straight up & is making theplant look crazy… i was thinking of cutting it off, wonder if i could cut it up & start new plants from that crazy off shoot? any thoughts? thanks for doing this site. 🙂

  2. I love fiddle-leaf figs! Thanks for the helpful care tips in this article. My plant has been thriving ever since I started following these guidelines.

  3. Great tips, thanks for sharing! I didn’t realize how easy it is to propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig cuttings. I’ll definitely try rooting in water first to see the progress.

  4. I did it! Mine was one reaching the ceiling and when I saw a new leaf growing out the top this morning I knew I had to take the plunge and prune him but try to propagate. I cut off a 3 foot piece which I cut down to 2 more pieces. I took off the bottom 3 leaves off each piece but cut it as close to the main stem as possible to to try to keep a stem on each leaf to see if they would successfully propagate as well. So if all goes according to plan, I’ll have 2 more trees at least. If it goes better than planned I’ll have 8. Definitely hard to make that first cut into your beautiful healthy tree but i really had no idea you were supposed to, had no idea that’s how you could get it to branch and also had no idea to do it in growing season! I definitely would have thought to do when dormant. Wish I could post the pictures!

  5. I am a new plant parent and I have a fig tree plant it is only about 27 inches tall and I wanted to get another plant started they are so beautiful but I am afraid I will kill my mother plant. Wish me luck and I love your comments it was very encouraging

  6. Awesome tips, I am really impressed the way you have mentioned steps by steps… Thanks for sharing such a great post..

  7. I wish I could post photos of my two cuttings that are currently in week 5 of water propagation. They are doing AMAZINGLY! My smaller cutting has sprouted two new branches with three leaves each. My larger cutting has just starting to show roots this week. Your tips have been so helpful, and it’s really fun watching these cuttings grow!

      • Hi Ananda–Unfortunately my fiddle leaf fig is ugly and struggling. It has no leaves on one side of the tree and the other side has leaves, so it is not shaped nicely. The trunk is approx. 4′ high. Is it possible to start all over with the plant and propagate the whole tree into several cuttings? I read your blog above about propagating.
        Any additional tips would be greatly appreciated! 🙂

        • hi Shelly! yes and that’s what i would do! start 2-3 cuttings first but keep the old tree. once they root & grow, you can propagate more & replace the old plant. 🙂

  8. Hey Ananda, thanks for all of the advice! My fiddle leaf hit the ceiling weeks ago, and it’s still sprouting leaves..! I’ve been putting off cutting it because I’d need to cut from the main trunk and that feels too scary. I think I need to do it, though, but about 60cm of the top of the trunk is green. I want to cut it where the wooden part of the trunk is. The best spot for me to do it would mean the part that comes off will have at least 16 really beautiful and healthy leaves (and it’ll look like a fully formed but short fiddle leaf plant). I can’t see a way to avoid cutting from the trunk, and what I’m not clear on is the below:
    – Will I need to get rid of any of the leaves once I’ve cut the branch? Ie is it less likely to thrive if there are too many leaves?
    – Should I be popping this big branch into water first, and treat it as if it’s a small propagation? (ie only pop it into soil once roots have formed)
    – Will the main trunk will continue to grow where I cut it, or is it hard to say?
    I’ve been trying to research all of this but can’t find anything too specific and the last thing I want to do is harm my currently thriving plant! Any advice you have would be wonderful, thank you so much in advance =)

    • hi Duffy!
      i find that the best length (branch part) to propagate Fiddle leaf fig is 12 to 16 inches. when it’s too long or too short, the cuttings don’t root as reliably.
      i would cut this long branch cutting into 2 pieces, and leave 2-3 leaves at top on each piece, and start in water first.
      most likely you will get multiple branches from the main trunk – here’s what happened with several of ours- 🙂

  9. Hi. How long does it take for roots to appear using the water method? And can I use a small branch and cut it into sections then propagate them all? Thank you in advance.

    • hi Graham! it can take 1-2 months, or longer if weather is cold. i would keep each branch section at least 12″ long. it’s so easy to propagate more once your first plant start growing (very fast) after a couple of years! 🙂

  10. Hi there! I just propagated my Fiddle for the first time I’m so excited to see it grow into a new plant! 😊 My question is if I should trim off the two giant leaves it has? There is a third, but it’s brand new and still small. The other two are very large since I’ve been fertilizing my original plant and my leaves have been getting huge. Anyways, are these big leaves going to inhibit the growth of my propagated plant since so much energy will need to go to them? Thanks so much for any guidance you can provide.

    • congrats on your new FLF tammy! 🙂 i would wait till you have at least 2 new leaves in good size before trimming off the 2 old ones, because leaves convert sunlight to nutrient that feed the plant and roots! 🙂

  11. Hello. I have pruned my plant in hopes of getting it to branch… been about four months. It had to be done in winter…it was running out of head space, and it has been putting out leaves year round. My cutting has rooted and doing very well. My parent plant hasn’t branched. The cut site has browned and shrivelled a bit. Other than seems to be ok… except no new growth or branching. Any suggestions? Thanx.

  12. Hi Ananda, I have a 20 year old fig that I have never pruned so it is tall and lanky, with leaves only at the top of each trunk, of which there are 4. Finding your post has encouraged me to prune away and try to propagate the cuttings. My question is…My cuttings are 12 inches long, I have 4. I removed all but 2-3 (leaves are only at the top). I see no nubs. I placed the 12 inch branches into the water. Do I need to cut the branches shorter, all the way to within an inch of where the leaves start or is it ok to leave the branches long?

  13. Hi Ananda,

    Thank you so much for sharing this information.

    A friend propagated from her FLF and gave it to me. I really love the way it looks in a crystal vase with glass pebbles and water (no soil). However, I was curious if it can remain in just water? Or should I eventually pot it in soil?

    Thanks again,


    • hi Pilar, yes it can remain in water for a long time, but it won’t grow much. i would plant this cutting in soil, and when it grows taller in 1-2 years, you can take a cutting and put it in water again so you will have both! 🙂

  14. Hi there, thank you for all the wonderful information! I’m in love with my Figgie. She has one truck with 3 branches of all the same length- about 5’ each. One branch is falling to the side and the other 2 are standing straight up. Should I completely cut the one Branch off and could I propagate it at the size it is? It has about 14 leaves on it. I hope this makes sense. Thank you kindly!

    • hi Jeri! yes you can cut off the side branch and propagate it. you might want to cut it to 12″ to 18″ pieces as i find that length range to have the best success rate! 🙂

  15. Hi there – you all are on it, I’ve never failed using this propagation method and have begun giving FF plants away because they’re multiplying like mad here at my house haha! For the record a single fiddle leaf fig leaf (with plenty of roots) has been sitting in water for over a year and a half on a shelf and it has never made pups. From what I know it is impossible without a node or steam attached to the leaf. Nevertheless the single leaf is still pretty so I can’t bring myself to throw it away in the compost!

    • don’t they make such great gifts?! 🙂 i think the single leaf can be treated like a special plant, and who knows, maybe in a few years it could surprise us! 🙂

  16. All of you propagation tutorials are terrific Thanks for Sharing….I frankly can imagine a large bowl planter in the house with just rooted leaves! What a conversation piece it would be!!!

  17. Hi we have one too in pot its 10 feet tall tied up it has 10 stem roots in this pot…it need a bad cut down…but loleafa is still thriving…should we knock out 2 branches or trees each week?We are going to be moving in 3 years, she fits now but I dont know how she will fit in our move…maybe make 1 tree or short bushier trww out of her 🙁

    • hi Sue! it’s a good idea to make a few cuttings if the tree is too hard to move. you can put many cuttings in one jar of water during a move, and they will root quite easily! 🙂

  18. Hello, I cut off 4 leaves and left them in water for 4 weeks and they all rooted really well so I potted them. This was a year ago none have new shoots but the leaves are happy enough, I hope and pray I will one day see a shoot but I can’t imagine where it would come from. Has anyone had success with growth from a single leaf?

    • hi Rhi! i have heard different opinions on sing leaves: some say it will send out pups eventually, but it does take much longer that a stem cutting 🙂

  19. Question about the plastic bag that is used. Is the bag simply wrapped around the cutting between the leaves and the soil?

  20. Never knew there could be so many amazing reports,question AND answers including the first answer you gave to me(anita)! Sadly I have tried three times and not successful using g the water methods. Is it possible I failed because I don’t let the water “gas off” before placing my cuttings in
    WaterI? also wondering if I used
    F I y
    Used distilled water if that might make
    For a good outcome. I have much success with many otherplsnts but thisIs trying my patience😢. I want to gift
    My “mother” plant id growing like
    A weed and is a great source of pride to
    Me. As anZifr— I recently heard of new form of
    Fiddle called little fuxdel— quill not develop into a giant tree which is ideal for people who don’t have room or are ‘vertically “ challengef!🤣 intimidated because they are vertically challenged!”😍🤣 thank you for all this information—it will s priceless to mre.

    • hi anita! FLF has been the easiest for us! 🙂 and yes that tiny dwarf fiddle leaf fig is on our wish list too! let’s see, could it be one of these reasons for you- cuttings are too short or too long (12″-16″ stem length, not counting leaf, is best), cuttings are in full sun, or room too cold, or source tree not healthy! 🙂

  21. I have a fiddle fig leaf from summer 2020 currently propagating . I took the leaf and thought “heck why not try?” Today there are about 15-20 roots, some roots about 1.5-2 in / 4-5 cm in length. The leaf itself is big and healthy still. I’m going to plant in about a month and see what happens!

  22. Hi there!

    I have a 5′ fiddle leaf fig that was in beautiful condition and growing like crazy… until our dogs knocked it over causing the truck to almost completely snap near the base. It’s still somewhat connected but not enough to hold itself up so I used tape to strengthen it around the break (with papertowel between the trunk and tape to prevent damage). It’s been about a month and the leaves at the top still seem healthy and happy. I’m also now see new leaves coming from the very base of the trunk by the roots. Is there anyway to help the trunk repair itself? or should I start propagating the heathy branches from the top in case the tree doesn’t recover?

    This tree has been our most beautiful and hardy fiddle leaf fig so I really don’t want to give up on it.

    Thank you for your help!

    • hi Christina! sound like your tree should be able to heal at the trunk, just keep the tape on for a few months! the new growth from base is also a good sign! you can always cut the top 2′ off in future when you to propagate new plants, and the cut tree would branch at top! 🙂

  23. I have been trying to propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig leaves in soil for several weeks now. The leaves just have been drying up and dying. Any suggestions?

    Thank you

  24. Excellent tutorial! We followed each step and our Fiddle leaf fig cuttings in water grew lots of roots! We planted them in 2 pots, now they are growing new leaves! Thank you! 🙂

  25. HI! I have been doing the water propagation and am excited to say there are roots growing!
    I don’t have the best green thumb and so I really don’t want to mess this up.
    Do you happen to have a post of what to do after propagation? E.g. What type of pot to plant it in..(big or small, holes or not until later) how to plant it.. what type of soil?
    I saw your other update post, but still wasn’t too sure and wanted to reach out.
    Hopefully this reply finds you and you have time to respond.
    Thanks so much for your help already!
    So excited!

    • hi! take some damp potting soil and a medium size pot such as one gallon, hold your rooted cutting centered in the pot, carefully scoop the soil little by little into the pot, so the roots are extended into the damp soil. Then follow the Fiddle Fig care tips here! 🙂

  26. I just stumbled upon your blog and big thanks for the tips on propagating and growing fiddle leaf figs! I just received some cuttings and will be propagating them following your tutorial!

  27. Hi amanda! Very helpful post and very beautiful fiddle leaf figs too🙂 Wow all of your cuttings rooted and became huge trees! I would like to ask you, how many cm of the stems were in the water(i ‘m worried If water makes them rot). Thank you😎

  28. Amazing! ! Thanks so much for the tips!
    I didn’t see this before I started propagating my cuttings and they seem to be struggling! They are each 12” or longer with 3 leaves, one has 6. Two are in a west-facing huge window here in SoCal and I wonder if they are getting too much sun because some leaves have turned yellow and others are curling? They each all only have tiny white dots and it’s been almost 7 weeks!! Any ideas??

    • hi laura! definitely too much sun! leaves take up too much energy as well. i would move them out of sun, and prune to 2 or 3 leaves. maybe add a humidity tent / bag for a few day. good luck! 🙂

  29. Your gorgeous Fiddle Leaf Fig trees really inspired us to propagate some for our home! Success!! We will share them with our indoor plant lover friends!

  30. Can’t believe I just propagated 3 Fiddle Leaf Fig cuttings successfully! I will be sharing them as gifts!

  31. I learned a lot from all your fiddle leaf fig articles and happy to report that our propagated fig tree is growing fast now! 🙂

  32. I can’t believe Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation is so easy! Out cutting now has lots of roots! So excited we will have a Fiddle Leaf Fig tree! Thank you for the great tutorial!

  33. I absolutely love this! My coworker has a Fiddle Leaf Fig and she just gave me a cutting! Super excited to follow your tutorial. Thanks!

  34. Thank you for the detailed instructions. Our two Fiddle Fig cuttings in water already have roots on them!! Look forward to planting them over the weekend!

  35. Really helpful tips!! I was looking for information on Fiddle Leaf Fig trees and enjoyed reading this one. Keep posting. Thanks for sharing.

  36. We just successfully propagated two Fiddle Leaf Fig branches in water, following your great tutorial! Can’t believe how easy it was! Thank you so much!

  37. You can’t propagate a fiddle leaf fig from a leaf that you have pulled off. A single leaf will grow roots from the petiole but will not produce any new growth above the soil, because the petiole (the ‘stalk’ of the individual leaf) does not contain any dormant buds. Dormant buds are located on the stem in the nodes (the bumps on the stem where leaves grow from). You need a piece of stem with at least one node. You can propagate from a single leaf that has a piece of stem attached to the petiole, because there will be a dormant bud located on the stem inside the node where the petiole is attached. This is called a single node cutting; I’ve successfully propagated Ficus elastica using single node cuttings.

  38. Hi AnandaI learned so much about FLF from you. I took a cutting in November and about a week later I had a bunch of little roots. I left it alone because winter was coming and I wasn’t sure how to handle that. Well I still have it in water and there’s a lot of roots but I’m getting ready to plant it. It just hasn’t done anything but grow roots. I don’t see where any growth might come out. I would like to send you a photo to see what you think. Can you tell me how I can do this?

  39. You can’t propagate a fiddle leaf fig from a leaf that you have pulled off. A single leaf will grow roots from the petiole but will not produce any new growth above the soil, because the petiole (the ‘stalk’ of the individual leaf) does not contain any dormant buds. Dormant buds are located on the stem in the nodes (the bumps on the stem where leaves grow from). You need a piece of stem with at least one node. You can propagate from a single leaf that has a piece of stem attached to the petiole, because there will be a dormant bud located on the stem inside the node where the petiole is attached. This is called a single node cutting; I’ve successfully propagated Ficus elastica using single node cuttings.

  40. The most informative post you have shared on this page about the fiddle leaf fig and I was planning on buying a few after we move in. But when a friend told me she is pruning her huge Fiddle Leaf Fig tree, I just have to try and see if I could grow some from her trimmings.

  41. Hi there. I was just wondering when taking a leaf cutting, do you cut it very close to the trunk, or snap it off to get a heel? Thanks

  42. I did the exact same thing with two cuttings from my fiddle leaf. I stood them in water and watched the roots develop. They are now growing beautifully in a pot sporting big green leaves. It’s amazing!

  43. Hi I wanted to ask how the leaf propagation fared? Did it produce another leaf once you potted it? I currently have a leaf I’ve propogated in water, which has roots. It’s almost ready to plant, so I wondered whether you were successful with this method?



    • hi gem, i made the mistake of planting the rooted leaf with 2 other stem cuttings which took off quickly. i think it must have to do with competition, the leaf one didn’t grow for over a year. if you pot it in its own pot, it should for buds from the base like the african violet leaves.

  44. I have a FLF tree that I bought last summer. It did wonderfully outside, grew new leaves, etc. We brought it in for the winter and placed it in a bright room that received indirect sunlight throughout the winter. After about 5-6 weeks indoors, the leaves began to develop brown spots that increased in size and eventually, the leaves had more ugly brown spots than healthy green spots. We put the trees back outside as soon as we were sure there would be no more frost. Now the tree is producing beautiful new growth at an amazing rate. Do you know what precipitated the ugly brown spots that eventually affected every leaf while it was inside? This fall, we again will move the plant indoors. I want to avoid such a recurrence.

    Another question, how can I encourage the FLF tree to sprout multiple limbs and not just continue to shoot upward on the same stalk? I think it needs to thicken up the main stalk in order to support the height of the tree.

    • hi emily, the brown spots are likely caused by too much watering. we water our fiddle leaf fig trees once a week, and in winter when plants are not actively growing, they need even less water 🙂

      as for the branching, i don’t think pruning would work 100%, because ours are still single trunks after pruning. once i find a good answer i will update here! 🙂

  45. GREAT ARTICLE! So helpful as it has given me the courage to finally prune my 7+ foot tall FLF. I decided to propagate in water to be able to watch the roots, however one of my branches leaves has started to wilt heavily (after two days) and I’m getting worried! The branch itself is a little over 2 feet long id say. Should I have separated it into 2? Can I still do that??? I’m going to replenish the water tomorrow after it sits out all night! Any help is much appreciated! I love my sweet plant and I’d love to have successful babies!

    • hi lida, yes i would cut the branch to smaller lengths, mine were 10″ to 14″, this would reduce the stress on the cutting to supply water to a lot of leaves 🙂 maybe put a clear bag over them for a few days. good luck!!

  46. Hey I cut the “head” off and put in water to root.
    How long will it take to put out a robot? I think I cut it a week ago.. seems fine. Just no root yet…
    Is that common?

  47. Can I root an entire stem? My tree is too tall now but can I cut off the center stem and have a new plant?

  48. I have had no success in locating a Fig Leaf plant to buy. Is there a mail order place that has the Fig Leaf plant? Thank you for your help!

  49. Hi! Great article. We made a YouTube video about our experience with FLF propagation. Here is the link if you’d like to check it out!

    We put ours into soil right away but next time around we will try rooting it in water!

  50. Great article. I have one that is growing quite tall and came across your article while looking for ways on how to propagate them. I’m going to try it for the first time this weekend.

  51. Ananda, Thanks for creating this wonderful site. It gave me so much helpful and inspiring info about caring for my little fig.

    I also apologize ahead of time regarding the length of this post….but I wanted to share the story of a poor little fiddle leaf fig….accidentally found while searching for a rental house after Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Tx

    I had mistakenly gone to the wrong address and instead of looking at the rental house I was in the yard of a house that had been put up for sale after being flooded. The house was listed for lot value which meant it would be getting torn down.

    When I saw the fig and a beautiful white bird of paradise palm?, they were both laying on their sides in the backyard. It looked like they had been dragged out of the flooded house and left to die. Based on the date I found them and the day the floods started on Aug 26, they had been there for at least three months!

    I left that day and immediately called the realtor listing the house. He said he would ask the owner of the property if I could have the plants but after checking with him several times he never responded with an answer. Sooooo, when Houston was predicted to experience its 1st freeze of the season I drove to the house, wrapped the abandoned palm and fiddle leaf fig in blankets and loaded them into my car. ( : Even if the freeze had not killed them they would have been bulldozed when the property was sold.

    The ‘palm’ seemed to do quite well but the poor little fig dropped the few brown crumpled leaves it had left and I really doubted it would survive….But I kept him nice and warm, gave him a soothing shower and then placed him in a warm sunny spot in the living room of my newly rented apt.

    Days and weeks went by and I continued to pamper my little stick tree. Then I got curious about what I should be looking for regarding new growth (if it was going to happen) and I found this site! And as if by coincidence, after looking at the pictures of leaves sprouting in online pictures, I went over and closely inspected my little fig tree. UNBELIEVABLY, there was the tinniest little green spike poking out from under the black flaky bark. And then I saw another and another!

    Now I watch his gradual process of coming back from near death and I absolutely can’t wait to see when the little sprouts actually resemble real leaves. I will be over the moon!!!

    I just wanted to share this little fig trees’ will to live –with those who love these beautiful plants as much as I’m growing to love my little guy. So many people lost SO much in the Harvey floods of 2017. And just like me, this little guy is going to be a survivor!

    • hi cee! thank you so much for sharing such a lovely story!! yes nature has such resilience! i am sending love and best wishes to your little tree, i think it will grow into a gorgeous tree!! hugs!

  52. Hi there. I was so excited to see this! My work had an FLF. The plant caretaker was throwing it out. Unfortunately another coworker beat me to the whole plant but I was abo to get a cutting from it. It’s got there roots (1/4”) in length. How long before you put them in soil and what type of soil did you use?

    • hi jonathan, that’s wonderful! =) you can plant it now. use a potting soil that your local nursery recommends, make sure it has those little white perlite. mist your FLF the first couple of weeks to help it adapt. keep soil moist but not sitting in water =)

  53. I took this leaf from a tree in an office conference room, so not much time to cut it properly. I don’t think it had the little node on the stem that you mentioned. But I rooted it in water, then soil, and it eventually got roots on it, about the size of a ping pong ball’s worth (can’t post the picture here). I planted it in pot of its own now and it’s been another 4 months but nothing has changed, at least above the surface. Do you think it will grow another leaf? Should I try cutting a notch in the stem to get it to bud? Or do you think it’s a lost cause?

  54. Hi Anada

    I have a good size stem with 3 leaves I want to root would you suggest the water rooting and dirt rooting as my best shot at this?

    And thanks so much for updating this post. So interesting and helpful and I love seeing the progress


  55. Hi, Ananda

    Thank you so much for the beautiful post. I was wondering if we can grow FLF in water forever? please let me know, thank you. <3 <3

    • hi baran, i am pretty sure you can grow a stem in water for at least a year or 2, after that, some plant require more nutrients to grow and stay healthy, some don’t mind being in water. not sure about fLf, but worth trying! 🙂

  56. Hi Ananda! I just acquired my first indoor plant- fiddle leaf fig! Hopefully, i wasnt being too ambitious! I am going to say it like a crazy plant lady…i think it was love at first sight. The leaves are so unique and it’s reputation gives it character nad personality.

    How did yours turn so tall and top heavy? That’s the look i want. Did u trim the bushy leaves on the bottom? Thanks!

    • hi laurie!
      the bottom leaves will turn brown and fall off as the tree grows, that’s when we trim it. other than that, i have 4 fiddle leaf fig care tips at the very end, which is all we do! they are so easy! happy growing! =)

  57. Hi Ananda. Any update on your single leaf? I finally found a FLF plant past weekend but yesterday it dropped a healthy green leaf 🙁 I am worried but I guess it was because of being under watered. I need to transfer it into a new pot as the pot that it came in is full with its roots and doesn’t retain water. For now I placed the leaf in water. But I am really curious to know if yours had any progress. I know FLF can be very slow but I came across a thread on gardenforum where a user named mark4321_gw mentioned that he worked at an arboretum and has seen them propagating FLF from leaf. He also added a picture of one such plant. This gave me some hopes. If you can provide some update on yours, it will be very helpful or at least hopeful for me 🙂

    • hi maahi! my leaf did not survive, but i think it is because of competition- i planted it in the same pot as 2 other stem cuttings, which grew rapidly. i think it should work, although stem cuttings grow much faster!
      the african violet leaves i rooted has grown into plants. what happens is that small bud will grow from the roots and turn into branches. i think FLF works the same =) just keep your leaf in water and shade, plant it once it roots! =)

    • I was curious as to if I could grow from a leaf it was successful but not only that but there was a tear in the leaf itself and roots was growing from the tear. It took a
      Couple of weeks so don’t give up if you email me I will send you a picture

  58. I received a leaf cutting of a FLF last June and it sprouted roots in water but when I transplanted it to a pot, it still hasn’t grown vertically at all (the roots seem to be growing and spreading though). I’m worried its growth may be stunted! Ha. Do you have any tips for how to encourage it to grow more of a stem and eventually other leaves? It’s been so long since I’ve potted it. I don’t currently use any fertilizer or growth-stimulant, but should I be? In addition, is there anything special I should be doing with the leaf? It looks healthy enough, green albeit a little curled on the edges. Or should I just let it be? Thank you!!!!

    • hi sarah, fiddle leaf figs grow slowly in winter and fast in summer. if your climate is hot and does not dip below 45 fahrenheit you can bring it outdoors for a few months for some extra light and fresh air, flf loves it!! 🙂 bigger pot also helps

  59. Hi Ananda,

    Thanks for getting back to me. I’ll pot it up and hope that it continues to grow.


  60. Hi Ananda,

    Thanks for the detailed post. I have placed a leaf cutting in water and it has sprouted some roots 🙂 I haven’t propagated from leaf cutting in water before so I’m not sure about the next step.

    I am wondering at what stage I should plant it into soil? Is there a size of container/pot that I should use? Is a general potting mix okay or do you recommend something more specific for this plant?

    Thank you!

    • Hi krizsta, congratulations on the success! 🙂 as soon as the roots come out you can plant it in any potting soil, which is less compact than garden soil. I would use an 8″ or 10″ pot. 🙂

  61. Have those ones you started as individual leaves grown any new leaves yet?

    Just wondering if it’s possible, I’ve heard some people say that you may need at least a small piece of stem though, not sure if this is true. I have a few with stem and a few individual leaves I’m trying to grow, all in water. Thanks for the tips!

    • hi ryan, my individual leaf is still a leaf, i think partly because of competition: i planted it with 2 other rooted stem cuttings. i think having a small piece of stem attached is a great idea because the node area can sprout new stems. i will try these options again this year. please do share your experience once they grow! =)

      • Hi Ananda,

        Thanks for getting back to me. Too bad they haven’t done anything yet. According to this, it looks like not all plants can be propagated with just a leaf and no stem (some will grow roots but then never form a new stem apparently, though I can’t seem to find whether or not Figs can)

        Interesting though, according to that, Fig can be propagated by root. Too bad, I was repotting a different one earlier and took out a fairly large root that may have worked had I known.

        Anyway thanks for the post, I’ve got 2 stems in water which so far are surviving.

  62. I am jealous of your fiddle leaf success. Because FLF’s aren’t common where I’m from, I had to hunt down a cutting and got three branches to work with. I tried to root two in water and one in soil and failed miserably. The one in soil died almost immediately, followed closely by one in water, leaving only one in water, which got to the popcorn stage. I changed its water every day, and made sure it got indirect sunlight. But then the leaves started turning brown and I didn’t know what to do. So I watched it die. I’m still heartbroken about it, almost to the point of tears.

    What did I do wrong? What can I do differently the next time I get a cutting? I love the FLF so much, I have visions of it in my bedroom.

    PS: Thanks for the step-by-step guide. I tried to follow but apparently I’m bad with directions :'(

    • hi char! i did not change the water at all, just added some when it looked low. only change water if it looks cloudy, because the stems release rooting hormones into the water which helps the cutting taking roots. and chlorine in most city tap water can slow the rooting process! keep them in BRIGHT light and a warm room, which will help a lot! good luck! =)

  63. wow ! amazing to see that single leaf acan propagate into new tree .I just a plant few weeks ago 60 cms for 40 pounds .Its bought my apartment such glamour .love it 🙂

  64. I’ve had success rooting a branch in water also – but I’ve also had a couple failures.

    Did you make the cuttings in March? I’m trying to decide the best time to make some cuttings this year and had heard spring was best since it was during “growing season”.


    • hi kaela, great question! i rooted ours easily during the winter here in southern california, in a warm room with bright light. if i were in a cloudy winter climate such as the northwest, i would wait till spring or summer – plants are much more vigorous where there’s bright light and warmth =)

  65. Hi Ananda. Thank you for your lovely article.
    I was hoping to find out if the single leaf cutting managed to grow further at all? I have 3 rooted in water that I’ve planted in seedling pots and 2 have managed to stay green, and the most damaged leaf didn’t make it. It’s been over a month, it’s summer here and no sign of growth. Is it possible to propagate from the single leaf cuttings? If so, what was the progress from this experiment?

    Many Thanks,


    • hi holly! once the leaf take roots, it will be another year at least for new buds to grow from the roots and come above the soil to become future branches. mine is still a leaf, alive and well though! =)

  66. Hi! Thank you for all the information – it’s super helpful. I too am curious about how the cuttings are doing – especially the single leaf. Did it produce any new leaves? For the sake of hopefuls everywhere, I’m hoping yours has!

    Googling suggests that in theory it can be propagated from a single leaf but I haven’t had much luck with that… so far. It’s still a single leaf with well-established roots.

    Looking forward to an update!

  67. Hi! Great article and thanks for the tips/knowledge =)

    I was wondering if there was a follow-up post on how these two cuttings are doing?


  68. Thank you for this tutorial. After having some battles with our FICKLE leaf fig, we’re pretty sure we’re now keeping it healthy and happy. We just re-potted it this past weekend in a larger pot. Some of the branches shot way up ahead of the others, and we’re thinking of pruning and trying to grow the prunings. it’s now fall, so I assume it would be best to wait until next spring before we do this? Also, we don’t have an outdoor space in direct sunlight (we’re in an apartment) so do you think this will greatly hinder our success?

    Thanks again!

    • Hi finn, i rooted ours last fall so it should be ok 🙂 the cuttings will be fine in a bright spot, while rooting it’s better to keep it out of direct sun anyway!

      • Thanks for mentioning when you actually took the cutting because that is my main question. I have have a gigantic fiddle leaf in the backyard but have tried unsuccessfully many times to strike a cutting. Wondering if the season matters. Its now 5th June so we’ve started our winter here in NSW Australia but I’ve noticed rigorous new growth of huge bright green leaves on the fiddle leaf. One would thing that spring is when this would happen, maybe the season are out of whack.

        • hi juliet! i think if a tree is healthy and vigorous, and the cuttings are not too long or short, it should work most of the year, except when the plants are somewhat going dormant.:)

  69. How long does it take to grow to a full tree? I’ve started with a cuttin and it’s growing great! This is my first time and a beginner with plants.

  70. Oh my goodness! I am so happy to have found this post. At my grandparent’s funerals we were given a rubber tree (for grandpa) and a fiddle leaf fig (for grandma). My mother has had both for over ten years in her home. About six months ago, my mother gave me one of the rubber tree branches and I put it in water to root and then placed it in soil. It’s growing very well. I asked my mother recently if we could do the same with the fiddle leaf. She wasn’t sure and neither was I. I had been searching online for a definitive answer but wasn’t able to find anything until tonight. Your post magically appeared. Thank you!! Great photos. Please post some update photos!

  71. Ahh, the “popcorn” stem photos here have given me peace of mind! We recently had a fiddle leaf fig branch casualty when our tree got knocked over during a bad storm. I was so upset when I saw an entire branch break off, but then I thought: maybe I can propogate this one by placing it in a cup of water. For the first few weeks I didn’t think it would work – the leaves were floppy and sad looking. But now, about 2 weeks later, they’re firm again and I noticed the little white marks on the bottom of the clipping. I wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad sign though, which is why I searched around for “propogating fiddle leaf figs” haha! Thanks for sharing and your post has got me excited to see my clipping finally start to root!

      • Hi Ananda,
        How do I encourage multiple branches growth? I cut the top of my tree several times, but it only growth one branch, going straight up.


        • hi tamara! i have learned that the Fiddle leaf fig tends to grow a tall single stem when indoors. i would try to prune the top tip of your tree, make sure to do so in the months when it starts growing, like late spring or early summer, and move your it to an outdoor setting (early morning or late afternoon sun is ok) during the summer so that it can get more light and grow fuller, then transition it back indoors gradually at the end of the summer. our figs gets a bit of late afternoon sun around 4:00 and love it! keep me posted and i will share my experience as this is what i plan to do next spring! =)

          • I have a fiddle leaf fig in the garden. I put it there about 25 yrs ago when I moved to the mountains because I felt sorry for it in the pot. Its now about 20 foot high and that’s after cutting it off many times. As well as that it has many many side branches because every time I tried to cut it back it grew multiple heads from where it was cut. Its like a hydra.!!! It thrives here in the lower Blue Mountains but we never get frost.

  72. Hey – This is a great article about rooting the FLF! I have a mature FLF that was about 5 feet tall. I snapped the stem in half by mistake (carrying it to a different room) and almost cried. But then I realized it is a great opportunity to propagate my FLFs!! I have 6 stem section in water and we are at the “popcorn” stage. Can you give us an update now that yours are 3 months older? Have they grown? Have they survived?


  73. The (genius) idea of using something to keep the plastic bag off the leaves is what caught my attention. Now maybe my next attempt at a gardenia will have a happier ending. Thanks!

  74. BEAUTIFUL!! Wonderful step by step as well! One caveat, if you have pets which like to chew on plants, these are toxic to both cats and dogs. Consult the ASPCA website or google your prospective plant before hand to find out if it is toxic… or root in an area your chewing pet cannot access.

  75. This is such an awesome post! I had never even heard f the fiddle leaf fig before your post. What a beautiful plant! I love it. Thanks for the wonderful step by step instructions for replanting and growing. Yay!

  76. Aww these pictures are so pretty, makes me want to get back into gardening ASAP, now if only the weather where I am co-operates! Good luck with the house hunt, you sure seem to be planning a lot of things for your new home (wherever it is), how exciting 🙂
    xx, Kusum |

        • Hello Ananda thank you 🙂 that tip works! i now have another cuttings of fiddle leaf but it lost all its leaves but the stem looks fresh. Can it root in soil?

      • Hi Ananda,
        I tried propagating my FLF in water and now the stem is all dark and seems to be dying. Can’t figure out what went wrong?


          • Sorry I didn’t see your response, no leaves dried up and stem looks dry too. I am trying again, this time left only about 4 leaves, did great for 1 week and now 3 of the 4 leaves dried out. I think it was getting too much direct sun ?
            I think I will try again in a bright but no direct sunlight spot 🙂

      • My question is: When using the water method to propagate
        The fiddle leaf fig, should you harden off the cutting before putting in water ? I know there will be white “blood” when I cut the plant, can that go directly into the rooting water!?

        • hi anita! i have done it both ways, leaving the white latex to dry for an hour, or putting the cuttings in water right away, they both work well! 🙂

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