Disclaimer: “No witches were harmed in the making of these witches shoes Halloween crafts or decorations.” 🙂
This year I am making a bunch of super fun Halloween crafts and decorations with paper, because paper crafts are great for kids and the whole family, easy to make, and require no storage. Just recycle them and make some new ones next year! These witches shoes Halloween paper crafts are one of them.
They are a simplified version of those witches legs Halloween decorations. Each shoe / boot is made from one or two pieces of paper. You can download the free printable design at the end!
Witches boots and witches legs are so fascinating. I am going to share with you all the fun ways to use them in your own Halloween decorations from centerpiece to wreath, garland, and more!
*Some resources in article are affiliate links. Full disclosure here.
These witches shoes Halloween paper crafts make me giddy imagining who they could belong to… Maybe the wicked witches from Wizard of OZ? Or some kind and fun-loving witches gone flying on their broom sticks…
Check out the video tutorial below, or skip to step by step written tutorial.
Materials and tools to make witches shoes Halloween craft & decorations:
( Some of the helpful resources are affiliate links. Full disclosure here. )
- construction paper like these, or these
- glue, scissors, witches shoes template (download at the end)
By the way, I did not come up with this original design idea! I saw it on a store shelf a few years ago and always wanted to make my own version of it. 🙂
Step 1: print template and cut paper
You can make any colored shoes. I chose black and red shoes, with green, orange, or purple stocking details. Let’s use the black witches boots as a step-by-step example.
Print the template at 100% size ( one is for 8.5×11 size paper, one is for 9×12 paper depending on which type of construction paper you have). Fold the construction paper in half, align the template with the middle fold as shown in video (at the beginning) and image below, trace and cut.
Tear color paper stripe a little longer than the folded paper. Glue them to the black paper. These will look like striped stockings, so cute!
Step 2: glue witches shoes together
Now we are ready to glue the shoe together. Match up the tips of the shoe, and roll the stocking part into a cylinder and glue the ends together. Check out the video tutorial at the beginning if this sounds confusing!
Add a buckle to your witches boots for some extra flair. Witches have lots of style after all! Now it gets even more exciting. We are going to create fun Halloween decorations with our witches shoes!
For a super cute witches legs Halloween table decoration centerpiece, tape a couple of witches boots to sticks and set them in a flower pot. Everyone will love it!
Here’s the tutorial on how to make a flying witch DIY Halloween wreath with “Flying Lessons” free printable sign for you to download!
Once you make these witches shoes, the wreath is super easy to make, for almost free!
Flying witch DIY Halloween wreath tutorial. Now the witches shoes template free downloads:
If you are already a subscriber, there’s a big button that link to all the downloads at the end of each weekly newsletter, which comes out on Thursday or Friday each week.
If you are not a subscriber, sign up to get all our free downloads here. You can unsubscribe anytime.
You can probably tell I was carried away this year with too much Halloween fun! To make everything easy to find, below is a list of links to all the Halloween decorations and crafts you see in these photos:
DIY Halloween Cat Decorations with Free Template.
DIY Halloween Bats: super magical decor and craft!
DIY Witches Broom: free, and so many beautiful ways to decorate with it!
Flying Witch DIY Halloween Wreath with free printable Halloween sign.
Easy & free DIY Halloween Door Decoration with free printable sign.
Handsome and stylish DIY Monster Halloween Wreath ! ( Coming next week )
Happy creating!
Hallo, ich habe mich angemeldet, weil ich gerne den kostenlosen Download für die Hexenschuhe haben wollte. Leider habe ich den Download nirgends gefunden. Schade.
Liebe Grüße Manuela Gerber
hi! link to all downloads page is in our weekly newsletter. 🙂
So cute! I love the W of O. I had a bumper sticker at work that said “I haven’t been the same since that house fell on my sister.” People just didn’t know what to make of it–or me!
love the bumper sticker! 😉 that would make a great sign!!
Just signed up and cant find the download for witches shoes
A button at the bottom of each newsletter takes you to all downloads, And here- enjoy the dowload page https://www.apieceofrainbow.com/creative-fun/ 🙂
Hi ananda, I have the 9 X 12 construction paper, but the witch’s boot template is printing out 4 5/8 in X 7 in. Above in the written instructions it implies there should be 2 templates for two different sizes of paper, but I’m only finding one in the downloads (I also looked to see if it might be 2 pages). The video also implies it should be 6 in X 9 in to cover half the sheet of construction paper. Can you help? Thanks!
hi beth, it’s printing at 8.5×5.5 here,maybe uncheck the “fit to page” when you print?
for 9×12 you can trace it about 1/4″ around the outside, it doesn’t need to be super exact. happy crafting! 🙂
Thanks! I didn’t find a “fit to page”, but I did find a setting in advanced printer properties to print 120% of size, and it came out just right for the 9 X 12. My grandson is VERY excited to make these witches shoes, so happy we are all set to go now. We are going to make the cats and bats too. Thanks again for replying so quickly.
thank you so much beth! 🙂 have lots of fun with your family, and happy halloween ! 🙂
I just signed up and cannot find the news letter for the template for the witches shoes.
hi gina, A button at the bottom of each newsletter takes you to all downloads, please check spam folder! And here- enjoy the dowload page https://www.apieceofrainbow.com/creative-fun/ 🙂
Cannot find big button for witch shoes download
it’s the red button at the bottom of each newsletter. you might have to move the email out of junk folder to see it 🙂