Paint Bathroom Vanity Countertop & Sink: So Easy!

How to paint bathroom countertop & sink, and refinish old formica or laminate vanity top into white or marble finish. Great idea for a super easy budget remodel!

3-Year Update:

Lots of you have asked how things are holding up. After 3 years: the countertop is still looking PERFECT! I would do it in future 100%! For the sink, here’s a longer answer: we painted the sink because it was scratched and discolored. There has been a few spots peeling over time, but it’s easy to spot sand and re-touch since it’s white on white. If your sink looks fine I would not paint over it, because porcelain is so glossy and dense, and the paint is always exposed to water, which can cause peeling.

 old beige formica laminate bathroom countertop & sink

For a long time, I was skeptical about painting countertops, but now after trying it, I am a super fan of this method.  I would absolutely do it again in a heartbeat!

Originally, we were going to completely remodel our 2 bathrooms, which would include replacing dated beige formica vanity top & old scratched sinks with all new cabinets, vanity tops, floor, sinks and fixtures.

*Some resources in article are affiliate links. Full disclosure here.

However, after our DIY kitchen remodel, we really wanted to take a break from big home improvement projects. So instead of tearing things out, we decided to look for the easiest ways to give these two old bathrooms a dramatic makeover! If we mess up, we can always do a complete remodel later.

How to paint bathroom countertop & sink, and refinish old formica or laminate vanity top into white or marble finish. Great idea for a super easy budge remodel!

(More tutorials coming on other parts of this bathroom before-after soon!) In part one of this series today, I will share with you how to paint an old vanity top and sink to make them fresh and new again! You can even use this method to create a faux white marble countertop!

Check out this quick video tutorial on painting vanity top, or skip to written tutorial below

Can you paint bathroom vanity countertop and sink? 

The answer is YES on the countertop, and MAYBE on the sink (see UPDATE at the beginning) ! If you choose the right paint and follow the steps, you will be amazed at how beautiful and durable your new painted countertop turns out! It’s also a great way to quickly makeover a bathroom without too much work, or before you have time for a complete remodel.

painting formica laminate vanity top

Materials and tools to paint vanity countertop and bathroom sink

Materials and tools to paint vanity countertop and bathroom sink

Enamel paint vs appliance epoxy spray paint vs 2-part epoxy 

I have seen people using 2-part epoxy or appliance epoxy spray on countertops. However, I think this Marine enamel paint is a lot more durable than spray paint or spray epoxy, and much easier to work with than 2-part epoxy.

Step 1: prep bathroom vanity top and sink before painting 

prep bathroom vanity top and sink before painting , remove the old caulking around the sink and countertop

Surface preparation is the most important step for a successful painting project. 

First, remove the old caulking around the sink and countertop. Remove the old faucets if you are painting the sink as well.

Remove old bathroom sink faucets

Next, scrub the vanity countertop and sink really well with soap or baking soda, rinse thoroughly with water, then wipe clean with microfiber towel or tack cloth

Sand the entire surface with 120-180 grit sand paper. Any glossy finishes should look dull which will offer better paint adhesion. Wipe the dust off with microfiber towel or tack cloth. Let dry.

sand bathroom countertop & sink before painting

Step 2: paint bathroom countertop and sink

Caulk any gaps along the sink and vanity top. You can also do the caulking at the end, but i wanted to paint the caulk and vanity top together. Tape any adjacent areas that you don’t want to get paint on.

Caulk gaps along the sink and vanity top.

Shake the can and pour some paint into a tray. Use a foam brush to paint areas that are hard to get to with a roller first. (I forgot to buy some foam brush, so here’s our make-do version!)

Use a foam brush to paint around vanity sink

Use a high density foam roller to paint the larger areas. Let the first coat of paint dry. Keep the room well ventilated because this oil based enamel paint has a pretty strong turpentine smell before it dries.

paint vanity top and bathroom sink with Marine topside enamel paint and foam roller

The first coat will look a bit blotchy. Don’t try to go over anything when the paint is drying, you will just create a sticky mess!. The next 2 coats will look better and better!

bathroom countertop & sink after first coat of Marine topside enamel paint

Step 3: sand and add more coats of paint 

Let the first coat of paint dry completely, which takes a few hours, or longer if room temperature is cold. Wait about 24 hours before painting the next coat.

sand and add more coats of paint 

Sand the paint lightly with 120 to 200 grit sand paper. Wipe off the dust. Apply the second coat with foam brush and roller the same way as the first coat.

sand bathroom countertop & sink

Repeat the drying, sanding and painting process until you are happy with the results. No need to sand the final coat.

It took us a total of 3 coats of paint. We only used 1/4 of a 32oz can. Now it’s time to let the paint dry and cure.

clean bathroom countertop & sink

Difference between paint dry time vs cure time

When paint dries, it becomes no longer tacky when you touch it gently. When paint cures, it becomes durable, scratch resistant, and moisture resistant. 

Dry time is usually a few hours to a couple of days, vs cure time is usually 1 week or more depending on temperature and paint type. 

vanity top after the 2nd coat of paint.
Vanity top after the 2nd coat of paint. We are also working on the floor,] cabinet, etc. Stay tuned! 🙂

While you can lightly use any dry paint surface, you should wait till the paint cures before normal use, such as cleaning, or putting an object on top of a painted surface. 

In this case, we started using the sink and countertop 3 days after the final coat of paint was applied. We waited for 8 days before normal use.

beautiful white painted ]]bathroom countertop & sink]

It’s been over a month of daily use and our painted vanity countertop and sink are still looking like new! The sink and countertop look like one piece, and they are really easy to clean.

Here’s the video tutorial again in case you missed it!

I will update here in another 6-12 months on how everything in holding up. It looks like a winner so far. I even dropped a chuck of 2×4 wood on the countertop once, and no paint chipping, wow!

You may also love: our colorful farmhouse DIY kitchen island: an easy IKEA hack!

Happy creating! See you soon! 🙂


  1. Your vanity turned out so beautiful! I never would have thought to use paint to cover your countertop. I hate mine, but I’ve never had the budget to replace them, so I’m going to need to look into this some more. Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Just put the (hopefully) last coat on, I think I’m going to love these results! Would you think this could also hold up on a kitchen counter? Thanks!

    • hi Jane! the paint has held up really well, i would consider this – if it’s a high use kitchen counter, heavy and sharp things may fall on it, which could cause chipping, , although it is easy to sand and touch up. 🙂

  3. Hi! I cannot wait to try this in our dated bathrooms. Once it’s finished, can we use regular (harsh) cleaning products on it? Or should we switch to something else for that area? Thanks

    • Hi Margaret! we just use a damp cloth, and it’s really easy to clean, you can use soap too, i wouldn’t use harsh cleaning products 🙂

  4. did you have trouble with roller marks? I used the rustoleum tub and tile epoxy. I hate it. major roller marks. I will need to sand it all and redo with something else

  5. Interesting read. I hadn’t though of painting my counter top although I did just finish painted my bathroom cabinet doors. Maybe this is the next thing I should try. How is the counter top looking now?

  6. This looks amazing! My husband and I recently purchased a home that we are remodeling and we have tried spraying the existing vanity with something and it is just not looking the way we want. Would this work on korean marble?

    • hi Melissa! spray paint can be tricky! sand the marble so the surface feels dull, then it should work nicely. sanding is the most important step, especially if the marble is very glossy 🙂

  7. by chance did you seal the marine paint afterwards? I’m reading reviews that it should be sealed but I’m afraid it will yellow the white semi-gloss. thoughts?

  8. Hi. Thanks so much for this tutorial. I can’t wait to try it out on my outdated bathroom counters. Is there a similar tutorial for painting the vanity? Just wondering what type of paint and supplies you used, if you removed the doors/drawers, etc.

      • Thank you so much for including a written tutorial. I tend to second guess myself when doing something like this, videos don’t always work for checking mid-project! I painted just my counter a few years ago, and I put a tray with coffee straight from the package on it. LOTS’O coffee! It neutralizes the smell amazingly quickly.

  9. Thank you! Thank you! We also had the 80s beigey-yellow vanity. Ugh. To be honest, we were quite leery to attempt painting a countertop. But we took you at your word and are so pleased! 🙂 Thank you for sharing and enabling us to get our bathroom to the 21st century. 😉 That first coat… yikes. But just as you said, it gets better. And it did!

    One question… now we really need to do the brown tiles around the tub/shower. Do you recommend this same method? Have you tried it? THANKS AGAIN!

    • hi Monica! thank you and enjoy your “new” countertop! 🙂 if the brown tiles are outside the shower and tub, then yes. if it’s the shower wall that constantly gets water on it, i would REALLY REALLY sand the tiles with electric sander, let each paint coat dry thoroughly, and let the final coat dry for at least 3 days 🙂

  10. This looks so great! I was wondering where you got the hardware from – the faucet and the cabinet knobs? I love them!

  11. Hi Ananda, Thanks for a wonderful tutorial in DIY vanity. I just stumbled to this website when Google the “refinishing countertop”.
    I am going to try your paint method vs. Epoxy resin since this is rental property, I don’t have to wait long time for it to dry.
    I also wonder should I do the same (paint) for the bathtub refinish? Thanks!

    • Hi Minh, we used this paint to refinish the bath tub, and it has held up really well. just make sure you really sand and clean the tub before painting. 🙂

  12. Great tutorial! I’ve been thinking about doing this on my kitchen countertops which are laminate and currently “mauve”! Yup, pretty gross and definitely outdated!! My question is, did you draw shiplap lines on the wall behind the vanity? I was looking at the medicine cabinet project and noticed the lines only went to where the mirror would be. How did you do the lines? Thanks so much for sharing all your great ideas!!

    • hi Karolyn! thank you! 🙂 i really need to finish all the tutorial posts so you can get a more detailed answer! yes i drew the shiplap using a gold sharpie. it was quick and easy! 🙂

  13. Hi
    It looks good.
    I totally messed up my builder’s grade basin whilst spray painting the plug hole. There is now a rough area where the surface layer I has been stripped off (acetone and plastic do not mix). Would your paint disguise it well enough. You mentioned it is self levelling. Do you paint the sink with a roller or brush?
    Also. I don t think I would be able to paint it white as the toilet is off white and it may look weird. Are there different Colors?
    Many thanks in advance.

    • hi Laurence! yes this paint does come in different colors. i used a small roller for everything. depending on how glossy the sink is, it’s super important to sand it till it’s a bit rough for the paint to adhere better. 🙂

  14. I am getting ready to do this project in my bathroom. Did you use any specific primer? What are you using to keep it clean?
    Looks awesome!

    • hi Joanne! no primer needed, just good sanding. the counter wipes clean easily with a damp cloth. you can also use any soap or cleaning spray for tough to clean spots. 🙂

  15. Hey! Awesome tutorial and beautifully finished design. I wanted to paint my bathroom countertop, and I see you mention that we should leave each coat for 24 hours. Would that be affected if the bathroom is being used (we only have 1 bathroom)? After showers, the bathroom gets pretty misty/humid.

    • hi! if you could plan it so right after a shower, you paint the first coat, then leave it dry for at least 18-20 hours till the next shower, that should be ok. you can also turn on the fan to speed up drying! 🙂

  16. Hi! I just finished my bathroom! It’s amazing!! Do you recommend a top coat, like a polycrylic or similar? Thanks again!!

  17. I was just wondering how this is holding up, and would you recommend it now that you’ve been living with it for a while?

    • hi! for the countertop i would recommend 100%! it’s still looking great! for the sink i have a longer answer: we only painted the sink that is looking scratched and discolored, so it’s worth it for us, although there has been a couple of spots peeling, but it’s easy to spot sand and re-touch since it’s white on white. but if your sink looks fine i would not paint over it. 🙂

  18. Hi! this looks amazing. How is it holding up so far? I’m worried it’s going to start peeling off of my sink after a few months and wanted to see how it’s going!

  19. This is a great, easy to follow tutorial! Thank you! Plan to do my basement bath this fall and can’t wait to see the results.

    Question: is there a finishing coat of something I could put on that will remove any texture and given a glossier or more realistic appearance like the sheen of marble?

    • hi Kate! you could just use the gloss paint instead of the semi-gloss i used here. sanding before each coat will make it smooth. for a super glass shiny surface, you will need epoxy, which is much more complicated to use than paint! 🙂

  20. Wow! That’s it… I’m going to do my outdated bath counter top. It would nice if you set up the instructions like a recipe. One, 2, 3 etc., so people could print it off to use as a reference sheet. Thank you so much.

    • hi Lora! i did not sand the bowl between coats because of the curved surface. i would only do spot sanding if i notice any bumps on the painted surface. hope that makes sense! 🙂

  21. I’ve been looking at lots of different ways to do this and this looks like the winner—thank you for posting! In all the different postings on this topic, though, I see that foam rollers are always recommended, and then people report there is a texture left behind. Do you know if there’s a reason not to use a regular roller like for for painting walls, like one for smooth surfaces? I just want to make sure I’m not missing something obvious here. Also, what would you suggest to use for buffing? Thank you again for posting this!

    • hi Sadie! i think that both the foam roller and smooth wall roller (microfiber or woven) produce a very smooth finish as compared to brush or thick rollers for textured finishes. but the finish isn’t glass-like such as when you pour epoxy. sanding between coats helps, and we barely notice the texture unless we get super close to the surface! 🙂

  22. How do you get a marbled look? After sanding in between coats DOS the surface feel scratchy like?

    • hi! the surface feels smooth after sanding. to get the marble look, i would use a tiny bit of black enamel paint to mix some grey colors, and paint the marble veins using some white marble photos as guides! 🙂

  23. Hi! I’m trying to paint my bathroom vanity top as well. First attempt with the Rustoleum appliance repair epoxy spray paint…. wow, what a mess. I will have to repaint. Did the paint you used leave a “texture” on your countertop when you used the foam roller? Thanks!

    • hi Angela! i can relate to what you said about the appliance epoxy spray paint! 🙂 it’s also not as durable! this paint is amazing and self leveling. if you sand between coats and don’t put it on too thick, there’s ALMOST no texture. it’s not super smooth like glass but you can also buff it at the end to make it even smoother!

  24. Hello – getting ready to paint my ugly 1988 bathroom vanity! Did you paint the entire bowl of the sink or just the rim? Trying to decide how to best paint the inside.

    • hi! we painted the entire sink bowl because ours is a bit scratched up and discolored. you can paint the rim or skip the sink if you like how it looks. happy painting! 🙂

  25. Thank you so much for such a great tutorial! Just painted our ugly bathroom countertop, now it looks like brand new white marble! We are thrilled!!!

    • hi Dee, actually i would! it’s holding up super well, and quite durable! just make sure to really sand and prep the surface, and try not to put super hot pots on the counter directly!

  26. Such an informative blog! All the information provided by you is really very helpful. I would like to say that we should use tack cloth because it is really helpful for removing tiny dust particles over any surfaces. A good tack cloth makes your work easier. Thank you for sharing! Keep posting!

  27. WOW this made such a big difference! I am going to paint our guest bath vanity now! It has this really ugly fake granite countertop. Such a wonderful blog and use full information!

  28. This looks beautiful, wow! We have an old vanity just like yours in our summer cabin, now I am going to paint it! Can’t wait to see more posts on your bathroom makeover!

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