12 Ridiculously Easy Indoor Plants that Also Purify Indoor Air

These air purifying indoor plants are extremely easy to care for – impossible to kill really. They are small to medium in size, so can be grown in small spaces. They can also remove harmful toxic elements from the air and improve our indoor environments, based on many studies including NASA’s.

When I saw NASA’s list, I happily realized that many of these indoor plants are actually thriving in our home.

1. Sansevieria javanica / Snake Plant

Image Credit: A Piece of Rainbow

Sansevieria javanica / Snake Plant comes from Africa, Madagascar, India or Indonesia. This is one of the smallest indoor plants, grows to only 6″-8″ tall. It is very easy to care for Sansevieria plants, and to propagate it in water or in soil. The thick leaves store water, which means if you forget, it is quite forgiving.

2. Epipremnum aureum / Pathos

Image Credit: A Piece of Rainbow

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Epipremnum aureum / Pathos are great as hanging plants indoors. Picture the jungles of Jurassic Park where vines coming down from the sky, they are most likely Epipremnums! The foliage has many color variations from bright green to silvery green.

3. Monstera deliciosa

Image Credit: A Piece of Rainbow

Monstera deliciosa is a super popular houseplant, and some of the easiest and most beautiful indoor plants to grow. Give it plenty of room because the plant can get quite big. 

4. Epipremnum aureum “Jade and Pearl” | Jade & Pearl Pathos

Image Credit: A Piece of Rainbow

The Epipremnum aureum “Jade and Pearl” | Jade & Pearl Pathos vine has smaller leaves than the previous ones, and we have several.

5. Tradescantia zebrina | Wandering Jew

Image Credit: A Piece of Rainbow

Tradescantia zebrina | Wandering Jew is native to Central America. This air purifying indoor plant is absolutely stunning with silver metallic stripes on one side of the leaves and deep purple on the other. I love to put it where it catches the soft light in the morning. It is also one of our favorite beautiful indoor plants to grow in water.

6. Spathiphyllum cochlearispathum / Peace Lily

Image Credit: A Piece of Rainbow

The Spathiphyllum cochlearispathum / Peace Lily,  a very popular indoor plant that has such a beautiful name and never ending flowers, it is also the most effective air purification plant on NASA’s list! This little plant from Southern Mexico does require more frequent watering than everything else here.

7. Ficus lyrata / Fiddle Leaf Fig

Image Credit: A Piece of Rainbow

Ficus lyrata / Fiddle Leaf Fig is one of the most popular indoor plants. It’s very easy to care for Fiddle Leaf Fig, and to propagate it is water or in soil. This lush tree is perfect for any interior style from modern to bohemian jungle.

8. Chlorophytum comosum / Spider Plant

Image Credit: A Piece of Rainbow

Chlorophytum comosum / Spider Plant  is an easy to grow house plant great for brightening up our homes with the beautiful variegated foliage, like the Coleus plants. Such a delicate looking plant is surprisingly kill-proof. It carries tiny plants on the arching flower stems, which can be planted to create a new plant!

9. Bromeliads

Image Credit: A Piece of Rainbow

Talking about “Pineapple”, Bromeliads are in the Pineapples family. You can actually regrow a pineapple top to get a free indoor plant. With stunning flowers that last for weeks or even months, these showy plants don’t need too much water. Once the flower starts to fade, it can be removed so the plant focuses its energy on producing pups.

10. Tradescantia pallida / Purple Heart

Image Credit: A Piece of Rainbow

Most of the air purifying indoor plants on our list prefer shade, but Tradescantia pallida / Purple Heart plant can do well in both shade and sun! It turns purple in the sun, and turns green in the shade. Cuttings can root very easily in water.

11. Maranta leuconeura / Prayer Plant

Image Credit: A Piece of Rainbow

Maranta leuconeura / Prayer Plant brings a little piece of Brazil rainforest into your home! This plant is magical: due to light-sensitive pigments on each leaf, it curls together at night like hands closed in prayer, thus the name “Prayer Plant”. Inventors out there, must have.

12. Asplenium bulbiferum / Mother Fern

Image Credit: A Piece of Rainbow

Ferns remind us of lush forests and waterfalls. If you can’t find Mother fern, try Boston Fern, Maidenhair fern or Button Fern. They are easier to find and grow beautifully indoors. Like the Peace lily, most ferns prefer regular water and moist soil.

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